
Feb 21, 2017

Creme Caramel/Caramel pudding using egg

I love creamy desserts and I can enjoy them anytime. Creme caramel/Caramel pudding is my favourite and I have enjoyed it always. The ones served at big restaurants. The first time I had this was at a restaurant in mangalore and was instantly in love with it. The creaminess from the dessert, the slight bitterness from the caramel and the chilled was in which it is served add up all to make it a rich dessert. This has been on my to-do list for quite a while now and finally picked up martha stewarts recipe to give a try. I tweaked it a little to adjust the flavours to suit my taste

The recipe is very simple except that you have to have patience to wait till it is ready to eat. I could not resist at all so kept checking every half an hour to see if they were ready to eat :) It turned out great and the taste was perfect. No egg smell as I doubted and the creaminess was just perfect. I used the bain-marie to make the dessert as opposed to steaming which was suggested in some videos

If you have guests coming home and you have a days prep time then I would suggest you try this to impress your guests. They will sure love it

Couple of days after I tried this recipe, I got another recipe from the internet... i think rajshri videos. The recipe did not use eggs and was quicker and simpler to make than this one. I tried that recipe too and that was great too. Will post that recipe soon... for the eggless version of caramel pudding

Serves... 2 ppl
Serve option... Chilled

This is what u'll need...

Egg - 1
Egg yolk - 1
Sugar - 1/4 cup + 2 tspn
Milk - 1 cup
Vanilla - 1/2 tspn

Here is the stir....
  • To make the caramel measure 1/4 cup of sugar into a pan
  • Add a teaspoon of water if you want to help the sugar to start caramelising. Keep the heat on medium and stir the sugar as soon as it start melting
  • In a few minutes the sugar will start changing colour. Let it continue cooking till you get a nice brown colour

  • Immediately pour this into ramekins or bowl to make a layer at the bottom
  • Set it aside so that the caramel can harden
  • Break an egg into a bowl. Add one more yolk 
  • Add 2 teaspoons of sugar to it. Add more if you like your pudding more sweet
  • Pour half a teaspoon of vanilla essence into the egg mix
  • Whisk everything well till the sugar is completely dissolved
  • In a small sacucepan heat some milk. Dont make it too hot, it should be just a little hotter than lukewarm 
  • Pour a ladle of milk into the egg mixture and stir it completely. Then add another ladle of milk ans stir and so on till all the milk has been used

  • Strain this mixture using a fine strainer to remove any bits of egg 
  • Pour this into the bowls/ramekins. The caramel in one bowl did not completely harden and the impatient me poured it in that bowl too ;) After the pudding was done the caramel in one floated little to the top. So make sure you let the caramel harden completely before you pour the mixture into it
  • Cover the bowls with aluminium foil and place it inside a baking dish. I just used a bread loaf tn as I had only two bowls
  • Pour hot water(not boiling water) into the baking dish to fill 1/2 of it
  • Place this in a 160 degrees preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes or until custard is firm
  • Remove from tray and also remove the aluminium foil. Let it cool completely 
  • Place it in the refrigerator and let chill for 3-4 hours before serving
  • When serving, run a sharp knife along the edged of the bowl and place a plate on top of the bowl
  • Invert it holding the plate and bowl intact. Give it a gentle shake and the pudding slides right away into the plate and the caramel glazes the top 
  • Serve this creamy dessert and enjoy a bowl for yourself too

                                                            • Dont boil the milk, it should be just a little hotter than lukewarm
                                                            • Add only a ladle of milk at a time else you might end cooking the egg :)
                                                            • Add more sugar is you like your pudding sweet
                                                            • Strain the final mixture before pouring it into the bowls

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